Saturday, May 29, 2010

My Room

Well... I've been pretty busy since I last posted... I got a summer job and moved! I'm working with the youth program at my church - which I am VERY excited about! I love the youth!
And I moved! And I'm liking that as well. I've had fun deciding on colors and all that kind of stuff. I'm in a very bright mood, but I didn't really want to paint, so I went with getting color in other ways.
Here's a picture of the corner my bed is in:
Yeah, can you tell I'm into bright colors right now? I painted the chest of drawers on the left and there's a book case to the right that I painted the same color. My sheets and comforter are from Target. And I crocheted the granny square afghan at the end of the bed. I was working on it before I even knew I was moving!
I based the whole room around some fabric from ikea. It has pretty birdcages and birds on it and I just really liked it, so I stapled it onto some canvas and got an cool piece of art! (the rectagular one to the left)
Then I found some other fabric on my stash that went well with it (the pink is some Prints Charming, the green houndstooth I used to make a purse and I love, and the other blue/green one is some fabric from Hobby Lobby that was on clearance).
Then I tried out doing hand embroidery and embroidered that orange bird onto the brown fabric.
I'm still working on finding a chair to go in there (a nice reading chair) and getting my desk put in. But it's looking good and I'm really loving it all!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I like those wall decors.This room is nicely decorated.Winni the Pooh Baby Shower